Presented by

  • Ser Heang TAN

    Ser Heang TAN

    Linux geek on the loose Ser Heang is a Linux enthusiast who work with Linux in Enterprise environment, especially with RedHat Enterprise Linux, using various open source technologies such as ansible, git, glances/nagios/shinken and etc. He has been upskilling his technical ability as Linux System administrator/engineer since 2000. He enjoys automating system configuration: started with shell scripts then cranked up to cfengine, and later spent some time trying to be puppet master but he never have the ambition to be a chef. Finally, he discover a new galaxy in ansible. Beside doing systems automation, Ser Heang enjoys application containerization with apptainer (previously known as singularity). Lately he is evolving toward security and hardening, as part of his job in implementing ACSC Essential 8 in Linux systems. When Ser Heang is not wearing his Linux hat, he enjoys watching Animes/Cartoons/Movies, building Lego sets and playing board games with his kids.


In the Linux world, there are many ways that you can setup and configure your systems. There are at least 10 configuration orchestration tools out there. To name a few: ansible, cfengine, pupper, chef, salt and many others. When I first started learning Linux, I did my configuration with bash scripts + ssh. Then I crank up to cfengine, and try to be puppet master. Finally, I ended up playing with ansible and living with it since then. In this 20 minutes talk, I will share my Ansible journey, from shell script to galaxy, with some examples and demo.